政治伊斯蘭(Political Islam)與伊斯蘭主義(Islamism)定義說明

「政治伊斯蘭」(Political Islam)或「伊斯蘭主義」(Islamism)在1980年代起,開始在媒體或是學術機構廣為使用。然而目前尚未有完整的定義與內涵,不同學者有其不同觀點與描述。最近在寫政治伊斯蘭理論架構,筆者僅將其視為一種分析工具,不帶有特別或主觀立場,分析當今伊斯蘭運動思潮與行為模式。


1. Joel Beinin & Joe Stork
Political Islam regard core concerns as temporal and political. They (Muslim) use the Qur’an and Hadith and other canonical religious texts to justify their stances and actions. And they do so in all sincerity.


2. James Piscatori
(1) Islamist are Muslims who are committed to political action to implement what they regard as an Islamic agenda.

(2) This commitments implies a certain measure of protest, demonstrated in a variety of ways, against the prevailing political and social status quo and establishment.

3. Daniel Pipes:
Islamism is an ideology that demands man’s complete adherence to the sacred law of Islam and rejects as much as possible outside influence, with some exceptions. It is imbued with a deep antagonism towards non-Muslims and has a particular hostility towards the West.

4. Graham E. Fuller
Islamism: an Islamist believes that Islam as a body of faith has something important to say about how politics and society should be ordered in the contemporary Muslim world and seeks to implement this idea in some fashion.

5. Peter Manaville
Islamism refer to forms of political theory and practice that have as their goal the establishment of an Islamic political order in the sense of a state whose government principles, institutions, and legal system derive directly from the shariah.

6. Ali R. Abootalebi
Islamism believes Islamic tents are compatible with such modern values as freedom and democracy. Islamism more accurately describes their forward-looking, interpretive and often even innovative attempts to reconstruct the social order.




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政治伊斯蘭(Political Islam)初探與文獻分析