
''We Are Calling for a New Interpretation of the Koran''


A new research centre in Qatar seeks to focus more attention on the ethical dimension of Islam. The founders of the centre and its director, Tariq Ramadan, are calling for a new interpretation of the Koran in order to advance a contemporary Islamic understanding of matters such as environmental ethics and gender issues. Christoph Dreyer spoke to the centre's deputy director, Jasser Auda
Early this year, the Research Centre for Islamic Legislation and Ethics, of which you are deputy director, started its work within the Qatar Foundation's Faculty of Islamic Studies. Why is there a need for such a centre?
Jasser Auda: The idea behind the centre is renewal. Islamic law and Islamic ethics require renewal from both sides: from the side of Islamic law, the ethical dimension is not stressed enough. And the ethical philosophy in Islam is too abstract and not applied enough to be a law, because the word "law" in Islam means more a code of ethics than a legal system in the modern sense.
When you emphasize the ethical dimension of Islam so pointedly, what is it you are distancing yourselves from?
Auda: We differentiate between looking at Islamic law in terms of the letter and in terms of the purposes, or maqasid in Arabic. We think that once we look at the purposes versus the letter of Islamic law, we give Islamic law the necessary dynamism to cope with current changes and to meet the expectations of Muslims and non-Muslims in today's world.
What role does the concept of ijtihad play in this idea of renewal?

Auda: This is exactly what we are trying to do. Contemporary ijtihad cannot be an ijtihad based on scriptures alone, it has to be based on the scriptures and the reality of the people – based on the text and the context. We bring the dimension of context to ijtihad so that it is not only about the text and the linguistic interpretation, but also about more, in light of the realities that the different sciences – social sciences, natural sciences – are revealing to us. This is not something new, but we are redefining it in the contemporary sense.
What might your approach look like in practice?
Auda: For example, the way many Islamists approach politics today is taking the letter, whether the letter of scriptural sources or sometimes the letter of history. They think in terms of making a khilafa (caliphate) in the way it was made after the time of the Prophet Mohammed. But if we look at the meaning of khilafa, it is – as the ancient scholars also said – a state that is based on justice.
So if we look at the purpose of the "Islamic state", which is justice, then it could take the form of a modern state where institutions each play their role and where powers are separated etc. But if we take things literally and try to build a state that is very similar to the Islamic states that existed 1,000 years ago, then we will miss out on justice and freedoms and we will miss out on issues that are themselves core issues in Islam.
The same applies to other issues, like women or human rights. If we focus on the Koranic message of mercy and love and so forth, then we are able to deal with contemporary issues in a better way. That is true especially in the area of politics and women in Islam or the general area of rights, and these are the two areas we think are crucial in the current renewal debate.
Why these two areas in particular?
Auda: The area of politics and the area of women in Islam are full of historical constructs that are not necessarily congruent with Islamic ethics. For example, the Koran describes the marriage between men and women as something that is based on love and mercy. This is not exactly what you find in fatwas from the old times that describe marriage as a contract – and there are all sorts of conditions that are put in that contract, some fair and some unfair. If you take the essence of the Koranic message, you can renew these contracts and these social norms to make them more equitable, and to give women a greater role in the family and to take care of children's welfare.
Of course we are not saying the Koran is unfair, but the Koran was interpreted in an unfair way, and we are calling for a new interpretation, or for a renewal of interpretation, in order to build today's Islamic discourse on ethics. We think that this is the core of Islam.

One of your centre's first seminars was on environmental ethics. What does Islamic ethics have to say about that?
Auda: If you read Islam in terms of the letter, you will find little evidence in scriptural sources that will help solve environmental problems. But there is a difference if you read Islam in terms of its values and ethics – the values of equity, cleanness, purity, the stress on the purity of water sources and the encouragement in the Islamic tradition of greenery and health. If we take these values and activate them, I believe we can make some pretty good policy recommendations. 

You recently published a book on Sharia and politics in the post-revolutionary Arab states. What's your message with regard to their situation?

Auda: The question of the application of the Sharia comes to the fore in countries like Egypt, Tunisia or Libya. The first question at this stage is: what do we mean by the Sharia? Do we mean the history of Islamic law or do we mean the values and purposes of the Sharia? If we mean the values and purposes and philosophy of the Sharia, then we are talking about justice and freedom and what we call in the Sharia language the preservation of soul and mind, intellect, offspring and wealth and all these values that are about the welfare of society. So if we are defining the Sharia in this way, then we are able to approach the new legislation and the new constitutions that people are drafting for their countries in a way that is Islamic in that sense.
Other questions relate to the standing of non-Muslim minorities in this part of the world. I don't want to see the application of the Sharia compromise their rights, but religions differ, especially in the field of family law. Therefore I draw a number of circles: a public circle, in which everybody has to be equal and nobody should be discriminated or differentiated against because of their religious background, and a private circle, in which people sometimes opt to be treated differently because of their religion

How far would you take this kind of argument? For example, would you say that the president, in a state like Egypt, has to be a Muslim?

Auda: From the Islamic law point of view, I don't see any problem in allowing anybody – including a non-Muslim man or woman – to run for president. Most of the opinions in the Islamic heritage did not allow that. However, these opinions were not referring to the president of a republic, they were talking about a khaleefa (caliph). But the president of Libya or Syria or Egypt is not a khaleefa, and he would never claim to be one.
We have a nation state, and the nation state has a president based on the foundation of this nation state, which is the equality of all citizens. As long as the state is defined, the president will not change the nature of the state. Realistically speaking, will the Egyptians elect a Coptic president? It's impossible. It's as impossible as the Germans electing a Muslim chancellor or the Americans electing a Muslim or Buddhist president.
But then the Islamists come along with their own definition an Islamic state. So who is to decide whether or not a certain polity can be called an "Islamic state"?
Auda: I think it is important to have an Islamic state in the sense of justice and freedom and equality for all. You want to call this Islamic, or democratic, or modern – the names are not important; it is the values that are important. In this part of the world, the values of equity and justice are viewed through the understanding of Islam; you might as well call it "Islamic state".
That's why this research is important: because the Islamists are calling for an Islamic state anyway. So if we define it for them in a way that is compatible with human rights, civil rights and all of that, then everybody wins. Actually, the revolutions did not happen for Islamic reasons. The revolutions were meant to bring social justice etc. When people elected Islamists, they elected them with an understanding that they will bring social justice. If they don't bring that, I'm sure they will fail in the next elections.
Interview conducted by Christoph Dreyer
© Qantara.de 2012
Jasser Auda is deputy director of the Centre of Islamic Legislation and Ethics at the Qatar Foundation in Doha. He is a founding member and member of the executive board of the International Union of Muslim Scholars and has lectured on Islamic law, especially its maqasid (intentions), at dozens of academic institutes around the world. He has authored and published numerous articles and several books in Arabic and English, most recently Between Sharia and Politics: Questions in the Post-Revolutions Era.
Editor: Aingeal Flanagan/Qantara.de





利用假日期間,聽了一場人道援助的演講。講者相當年輕,短短幾年在多個國家從事人道援助,那種歷練在台灣確實不多見。講者很有自信地講述為何台灣社會要關注難民問題。 對於年輕聽眾來說,應該是一場激勵人心的演講。人道援助並不是我的專業,稍微google台灣方面的資料,發現相關中文學術資料並不多。 但只要從事中東研究的人來說,從事人道援助並不是一件容易的事情,背後又有結構性的問題存在,如當地國的政策侷限、援助是否真的為當地人帶來成效,還是適得其反?從事人道援助的NGOs,是否可以真正了解當地國的根本性問題,還是在沒有選擇的情況下,配合援助國的政策,或是順應新自由主義架構下從事「人道援助」,間接成為加害難民的幫凶? 以上屬於實務層面。還有個人層面考量,若真的以人道援助作為終身志業,是否家人或親朋好友願意接受?另外還有更實際的經濟考量,從事人道援助並不會賺大錢,相反的在戰亂或政治不穩定的地區,經常會面臨龐大精神壓力及許多不確定的因素。若上述條件都可以接受,願意清貧過一生,這種從事人道援助者真的相當令人感佩...

麥加年度朝聖 逾150萬人已抵沙國 (又一翻譯錯誤!)

          沙烏地阿拉伯(Saudi Arabia)SPA國營新聞社今天(31日)報導,伊斯蘭教一年一度的麥加(Mecca)朝聖之旅,目前已有150多萬人抵達沙國。麥加朝聖是全球人類最大的集會活動之一,今年的活動將於11月5日達到高峰。   沙國SPA國營新聞社報導:「截至10月29日傍晚為止,來自海外的朝聖者人數已達157萬5千人。」   沙國朝聖部長(Minister of Hajj)艾法爾西(Fuad al-Farsi)說,今年由海外到麥加朝聖的穆斯林人數,可望達到180萬人,加上沙國國內70萬到80萬的朝聖者,今年估計將會有250萬到260萬人參與麥加朝聖活動。   今年的朝聖儀式將由11月4日展開,這一天剛好是穆斯林陰曆的朝聖月(Dhul hijjah,或the month of hajj)。   朝聖儀式將於11月5日達到高峰,到時候所有信徒會聚集在麥加城外的阿拉法特山。 傳說真主阿拉最後一次的傳教地點,就在阿拉法特山。 (傳說 really?)   麥加朝聖是伊斯蘭教的第五信條,也就是每位有能力的穆斯林,此生一定要到麥加朝聖一次。 =================================================== 伊斯蘭沒有什麼傳說,有幾分證據說幾分話。我們穆斯林今世是看不到 真主,不知道怎麼會有那麼離譜的錯誤,難道又是外電寫錯了~


壹、前言 自 1987 年底成立以來,哈馬斯即以「解放巴勒斯坦」為最終目標,但在以色列與西方國家眼中等同於「摧毀以色列」。雖然哈馬斯的解放巴勒斯坦核心思想沒有改變,但曾多次表明願意與以色列達成停火協議,甚至在 2017 年 5 月其發布的政治文件中,明確提到接受國際社會規範的兩國方案 (Two-State Solution) ,即承認與以色列有共存的可能性。 [1] 不過,鑑於哈馬斯不願意捨棄暴力路線,也不斷灌輸巴勒斯坦民眾抵抗以色列,致美國與歐盟至今仍將哈馬斯視為恐怖組織之一員。 今日歐美學者研究哈馬斯的學術文獻汗牛充棟,但對於哈馬斯是否為恐怖組織一事卻無法達成共識。認定哈馬斯是恐怖組織的學者指出,哈馬斯從 1987 年成立以來,從未停止對以色列的攻擊。特別是在 2006 年之前,哈馬斯在加薩、西岸、東耶路撒冷及以色列境內,發動多次自殺炸彈行動,造成上百名以色列軍警人員及平民的死亡。哈馬斯在 2007 年佔據加薩之後,雖然停止自殺炸彈行動,但卻改採投擲飛彈策略,造成以色列社會的集體恐慌。 但也有不少學者跳脫恐怖主義的角度,透過實際案例展示哈馬斯並非是一個單純的暴力組織。例如哈馬斯願意傾聽巴勒斯坦民意趨向,當巴勒斯坦民眾受到以色列壓迫時,哈馬斯順意民意向以色列發動攻勢;當多數巴勒斯坦民眾期待和平時,哈馬斯便會暫緩攻擊以色列,轉為投入巴勒斯坦之政治與社會服務。 本文主要在探討分析上述兩派學者的觀點,並提出一研究途徑,盼能有助於各界對哈馬斯暴力觀的全面理解。