伊斯蘭份子當前困境 (Islamists' current dilemma by Tariq Ramdan)
ㄧ次大戰後鄂圖曼帝國瓦解,哈里發制度遭廢除,從此伊斯蘭世界失去政治重心。不同地區的穆斯林紛紛呼籲建立伊斯蘭國家。「伊斯蘭國家」的概念,主要是反映ㄧ次戰後反歐洲政治與經濟殖民的背景出現。 1979 年伊朗的伊斯蘭革命似乎達成「伊斯蘭國家」的目標,然而並非每個穆斯林政治或宗教人物都嚮往這麼模式,他們不希望外界批評他們走「神權」式的政權,因而改變對伊斯蘭國家的論述,如強調公民國家 (Civil state) 的特質,是當前穆斯林政治領導人努力的方向。 The Brotherhood prefers a civil state in Egypt steering clear of the notion of secularism or the idea of an Islamic state By Tariq Ramadan, Special to Gulf News Published: 00:00 January 24, 2012 One of the distinguishing features of political Islam in the early 20th century was its call for the creation of an Islamic state. Methods and strategies might differ (‘bottom up' for the Muslim Brotherhood, ‘top down' by revolution for other organisations, and as happened in Iran), but the aim remained the same. The structure of the state was conceptualised in the light of Islamic principles (as drawn up by the classical Sunni and Shiite traditions) and articulated around the core concept of ‘Islamic law,' meaning the concept of Sharia. It was no...