Middle “East” of What? Are You ‘Categorized’?
作者對Middle East (中東)該名詞,進行歷史考察。事實上現在我們所講的中東是ㄧ個現代化或是西化的產物,來自於20世紀初美國海軍戰略大師馬漢的手筆,後來再經歐洲政治人物的闡述與定義,才有今日「中東」的面貌。
By Sahar
Freelance Writer – Egypt
Thursday, 22 March 2012 12:10
I hate labels and stereotypes! So, in my
cross-cultural project, I work to alert people to prejudices,
stereotypes, and labels; and also try to combat those problems.
One of those labels I
particularly despise is the so-called “Middle East”. Are
you surprised? After all, this is a widely accepted geopolitical term that
everyone uses, from students to high profile international politicians.
But when you stop to think
about it for a moment you’ll easily see the problem.
Try this simple exercise: go to an image
search on your internet browser and type “map of Europe”, you will get hundreds
of images of the same group of countries, with the same borders in different
formats. This will also be the case if you wrote “United States” or “Asia” or
“Africa”. Now, please search for a “map of the Middle
East” and see how many different versions of the map you will get, with totally
different borders and number of countries, some will include or exclude
countries like Iran, Turkey and Somalia.
The term Middle East was first invented by Alfred Thayer Mahan in an article entitled "The Persian Gulf and International Relations"
So, who exactly defines which countries can be
included or excluded from the map of the Middle East? And what are the criteria
for the selection?
Let’s face it: there is no such thing as
the "Middle East" except in the outdated imperialist and colonial
ideas of the past. This realization hit me when I woke up one day asking myself
the logical question: "East" of whom exactly? What if China ruled the world tomorrow, would Egypt suddenly be in the
"Mid West"?
Who exactly invented the “Middle East”?
The term Middle East
was first invented by Alfred Thayer Mahan in an article entitled "The
Persian Gulf and International Relations" which was published in the
September 1902 issue of London's monthly "National review".
Mahan was called "the most important
American strategist of the 19th century." His concept that
countries with greater naval power have greater worldwide impact had an
enormous influence on shaping the strategic thought of navies across the world,
especially in America, Britain and Germany, and eventually causing a European
naval-arms race in the 1890s.
Mahan's “Middle East” referred
only to Iran within the British imperial view of his time. His invented term
was popularized in the writing of Sir Valentine Ignatius Chirol, who was a journalist, author, historian and British diplomat. He was
also a passionate imperialist and believed that Imperial Germany and Muslims
were the biggest threats to the British Empire. Chirol was knighted in 1912 for
his distinguished service as a foreign affairs advisor.
In his book called "The Middle
Eastern Question" Chirol expanded Mahan's version of the "Middle
East" to include "Persia, Iraq, the east coast of Arabia,
Afghanistan, and Tibet". Yes, you read correctly -Tibet!
Inhis book called "The Middle Eastern Question" Chirol expanded Mahan's version of the "Middle East" to include "Persia, Iraq, the east coast of Arabia, Afghanistan, and Tibet". Yes, you read correctly -Tibet! |
Obviously, the definition of the new geopolitical
term adapted to the corresponding colonial interests that created it in the
first place.
After WWI, Winston
Churchill became the head of the newly established "Middle East
Department", which redefined "The Middle
East" to include the Suez Canal, Sinai, Arabian Peninsula, as well as the
newly created states of Iraq, Palestine, and Trans-Jordan. Tibet and
Afghanistan were excluded from London's version of the Middle East.
In the modern world, we now see Turkey
changing its status from a 'Middle Eastern' state to a 'European' state.
It is logical to conclude that the term
"Middle East" is only an outdated, Eurocentric colonial label that
has no formal definition. Consequently, it’s only fair to stop using this
incorrect term, particularly for how it implies certain stereotypical ideas
about the people and the culture. As an Egyptian, I don’t mind being called
Arab because that refers to the language I speak; Muslim because it refers to
the religion; or North African because this is a correct geographical location.
Yet, I refuse to be identified merely in
relation to the location of other countries, nor as an object of their military
and economic interests. That categorization is
absolutely irrelevant to my cultural and anthropological identity, and it
serves only as a derogatory stereotype, implying negative images of a lesser
level of civilization deserving a lesser level of respect.
Moreover, it automatically validates the
reverse, equally stereotypical term: “The West” in contrast to the “East” it
invented. No one in the world today should take part in this vicious circle of
stereotyping. I don’t only blame those who coined the term; I also invite
people of my part of the world to reject this categorization.
Accepting a label in my opinion is being part of
the problem rather than the solution, and what better time to turn a new page
on international relations than right now, when monumental sociopolitical
changes are taking shape in many Arab countries.