
Egyptians Want Islam, Qur'an for Politics


By Mohamed Sabry, OnIslam Staff
Wednesday, 09 May 2012 00:00

CAIRO – Almost two weeks before Egypt's first free presidential election, most Egyptians want Islam to play a major role in society and the Noble Qur'an shape their country's laws, a new survey has found.
"Most Egyptians continue to believe that Islam is playing a positive role in their country’s politics," the Pew Research Center's Global Attitude Project said in a new report.
A survey by the center found that 66% of Egyptians want Islam to play a major role in the political life in post-revolution Egypt.
Twenty-five percent of respondents, however, disagree.
"Egyptians clearly want Islam to play a role in shaping the nation’s laws," the report said.
Egypt, Islam, Qur'an, Brotherhood, election
The poll found that most Egyptians want Islam to play a major role in society and the Noble Qur'an shape their country's laws

The nationwide survey of 1,000 respondents also showed that most Egyptians believe the Noble Qur'an should shape the country's laws.
Six-in-ten Egyptians say they want Egypt's laws to strictly follow the Qur'an.
Thirty-two percent of respondents said they want Egypt's laws to conform to the principles of Islam but not strictly follow the Qur'an, while only 6% said the Qur'an should not have an influence.
The poll found that older Egyptians (68%) particularly back the view that laws should strictly follow the Qur'an, while the percentage drops among young Egyptians (54%).
A similar split arises according to the level of education, as 68% of Egyptians with a primary education or less want to strictly follow the Qur'an, while the percentage drops to 55% among college-educated Egyptians.
Egyptians are scheduled to go to polling stations on May 23-24 to elect a new president following Mubarak's fall.
A list of 13 candidates is vying for the top post, including Muslim Brotherhood's Mohamed Mursi, Islamist Abdel-Moneim Abul-Futuh, Islamist scholar Mohamed Selim Al-Awa, former Arab League chief Amr Moussa and former premier Ahmed Shafiq.
The survey also found that most Egyptians hold a favorable view of the Muslim Brotherhood.
Seventy percent of respondents see the Brotherhood favorably, down from 75% a year ago, the poll showed.
Fifty-six percent also rate the Freedom and Justice Party, the Brotherhood's political arm, positively.
The FJP is the largest parliamentary bloc in the Islamist-dominated parliament in Egypt.
The poll also showed that 44% of Egyptians view the Salafi Al-Nour party positively, while a similar percentage of Egyptians disapprove of the party.
The survey also showed that half of respondents (52%) have a positive view of Salafi candidate Hazem Salah Abu-Ismail. Forty-two percent disagree.
Abu-Ismail was disqualified from the race for his mother's dual nationality, sparking deadly protests in the country.
The poll also found that former Arab League chief Amr Moussa is given very positive perception among respondents (81%), followed by Islamist candidate, Abdel-Moneim Abul-Futuh, who is seen favorable by 58% of respondents.
The survey found that Egyptians still see democracy is the best form of rule in their country, despite the turbulent waves rocking the country since Mubarak's fall.
"Egyptians continue to voice confidence in democracy," the survey says.
The poll found that 61% of Egyptians think democracy is best-suited for solving the country’s problems.
Meanwhile, 33% say that a leader with a strong hand would be better equipped for dealing with Egypt's problems.
It also found that two-thirds of respondents consider democracy preferable to any other kind of government, while just 19% say in some circumstances a non-democratic form of government may be best.
Only 13% of respondents believe that it doesn’t really matter what kind of government  that rules the country.
The poll also found that most Egyptians (60%) see law and order as very important priorities.
Economy also remains a major concern for most Egyptians, with 81% of respondents say improving economic conditions should be a top priority.
Only 27% of respondents describe Egypt's economic situation as good, down from 34%.
"Despite economic difficulties and political uncertainty, Egyptians remain upbeat about the course of the nation and prospects for progress."




利用假日期間,聽了一場人道援助的演講。講者相當年輕,短短幾年在多個國家從事人道援助,那種歷練在台灣確實不多見。講者很有自信地講述為何台灣社會要關注難民問題。 對於年輕聽眾來說,應該是一場激勵人心的演講。人道援助並不是我的專業,稍微google台灣方面的資料,發現相關中文學術資料並不多。 但只要從事中東研究的人來說,從事人道援助並不是一件容易的事情,背後又有結構性的問題存在,如當地國的政策侷限、援助是否真的為當地人帶來成效,還是適得其反?從事人道援助的NGOs,是否可以真正了解當地國的根本性問題,還是在沒有選擇的情況下,配合援助國的政策,或是順應新自由主義架構下從事「人道援助」,間接成為加害難民的幫凶? 以上屬於實務層面。還有個人層面考量,若真的以人道援助作為終身志業,是否家人或親朋好友願意接受?另外還有更實際的經濟考量,從事人道援助並不會賺大錢,相反的在戰亂或政治不穩定的地區,經常會面臨龐大精神壓力及許多不確定的因素。若上述條件都可以接受,願意清貧過一生,這種從事人道援助者真的相當令人感佩...

麥加年度朝聖 逾150萬人已抵沙國 (又一翻譯錯誤!)

          沙烏地阿拉伯(Saudi Arabia)SPA國營新聞社今天(31日)報導,伊斯蘭教一年一度的麥加(Mecca)朝聖之旅,目前已有150多萬人抵達沙國。麥加朝聖是全球人類最大的集會活動之一,今年的活動將於11月5日達到高峰。   沙國SPA國營新聞社報導:「截至10月29日傍晚為止,來自海外的朝聖者人數已達157萬5千人。」   沙國朝聖部長(Minister of Hajj)艾法爾西(Fuad al-Farsi)說,今年由海外到麥加朝聖的穆斯林人數,可望達到180萬人,加上沙國國內70萬到80萬的朝聖者,今年估計將會有250萬到260萬人參與麥加朝聖活動。   今年的朝聖儀式將由11月4日展開,這一天剛好是穆斯林陰曆的朝聖月(Dhul hijjah,或the month of hajj)。   朝聖儀式將於11月5日達到高峰,到時候所有信徒會聚集在麥加城外的阿拉法特山。 傳說真主阿拉最後一次的傳教地點,就在阿拉法特山。 (傳說 really?)   麥加朝聖是伊斯蘭教的第五信條,也就是每位有能力的穆斯林,此生一定要到麥加朝聖一次。 =================================================== 伊斯蘭沒有什麼傳說,有幾分證據說幾分話。我們穆斯林今世是看不到 真主,不知道怎麼會有那麼離譜的錯誤,難道又是外電寫錯了~


壹、前言 自 1987 年底成立以來,哈馬斯即以「解放巴勒斯坦」為最終目標,但在以色列與西方國家眼中等同於「摧毀以色列」。雖然哈馬斯的解放巴勒斯坦核心思想沒有改變,但曾多次表明願意與以色列達成停火協議,甚至在 2017 年 5 月其發布的政治文件中,明確提到接受國際社會規範的兩國方案 (Two-State Solution) ,即承認與以色列有共存的可能性。 [1] 不過,鑑於哈馬斯不願意捨棄暴力路線,也不斷灌輸巴勒斯坦民眾抵抗以色列,致美國與歐盟至今仍將哈馬斯視為恐怖組織之一員。 今日歐美學者研究哈馬斯的學術文獻汗牛充棟,但對於哈馬斯是否為恐怖組織一事卻無法達成共識。認定哈馬斯是恐怖組織的學者指出,哈馬斯從 1987 年成立以來,從未停止對以色列的攻擊。特別是在 2006 年之前,哈馬斯在加薩、西岸、東耶路撒冷及以色列境內,發動多次自殺炸彈行動,造成上百名以色列軍警人員及平民的死亡。哈馬斯在 2007 年佔據加薩之後,雖然停止自殺炸彈行動,但卻改採投擲飛彈策略,造成以色列社會的集體恐慌。 但也有不少學者跳脫恐怖主義的角度,透過實際案例展示哈馬斯並非是一個單純的暴力組織。例如哈馬斯願意傾聽巴勒斯坦民意趨向,當巴勒斯坦民眾受到以色列壓迫時,哈馬斯順意民意向以色列發動攻勢;當多數巴勒斯坦民眾期待和平時,哈馬斯便會暫緩攻擊以色列,轉為投入巴勒斯坦之政治與社會服務。 本文主要在探討分析上述兩派學者的觀點,並提出一研究途徑,盼能有助於各界對哈馬斯暴力觀的全面理解。