
French Muslims get call to vote for president

Apr 30, 2012 1:35pm

Muslim leaders speak out and call for their brothers to vote

PARIS (AP) — They are France's millions-strong minority with a voice that usually falls silent at election time. But this year, there is a special new effort to mobilize French Muslims to speak up at the ballot box in Sunday's presidential race — amid a surge of Islam-bashing among the French right.

Imams and Islamic associations are calling on Muslims to do their duty as citizens and go to the polls. And while they're not officially endorsing anyone, the call itself is a bold move in a country where statistics on religious affiliation are formally banned and where secularism is enshrined in the constitution.

Socialist Francois Hollande — the poll favorite — is more likely to benefit from the get-out-the-vote push, because conservative President Nicolas Sarkozy has spoken out against Muslim practices in his campaign and experts say that Muslims in poor neighborhoods and Muslim youth tend to vote for the left. But the Muslim vote is diverse, and there's no guarantee that the push will bring out voters, since Muslims have tended in the past to avoid politics.

French Muslims have been pounded with blame throughout the campaign for what they eat (halal meat), how they pray (in the street), and for allegedly using their growing numbers to supplant France's civilization with their own. The massacre of Jewish schoolchildren and French paratroopers in March by an alleged Islamic extremist put Muslims in the spotlight anew and fed far-right fear mongering.

Under the banner of patriotism and preserving the national identity, Sarkozy is trawling for far-right votes as he tries to undo Hollande.

Far-right candidate Marine Le Pen, who ran an anti-immigration and anti-Europe campaign and sowed fears that France is being Islamicized, placed a strong third in the April 22 first-round vote. Though she was eliminated, her 18 percent score was a historic high for her National Front party and her supporters could now boost Sarkozy's support in the runoff.
For some Muslim religious leaders, it is time to act.

"We don't live on Mars. We live in France and we are constantly listening to what is happening," said Kamel Kabtane, the rector of the Lyon mosque, who was among a group of imams at some 30 mosques in southeast France pressing Muslims to vote.
"By this initiative, we want to show that Muslims aren't citizens of the second zone ... They can vote for whom they want but be present in the voting booth," he said.

The more than 5 million Muslims in France — the largest such population in western Europe — could potentially prove a decisive weight for or against a candidate. But experts say their footprint on the political landscape is nearly invisible.

The French model of integration is officially colorblind, demanding that immigrant minorities forgo their customs to meld into the universe of Frenchness. Statistics on race, ethnic origin and religion are formally banned, though researchers find ways to circumvent the rule, like using last names to deduce who is who.

Kabtane said the Muslim get-out-the-vote initiative in southeast France was the first of its kind, although some mosques in the Paris area are also asking Muslims to go to the polls.
In most cases, imams say they make a point not to advise the faithful how to vote. However, an expert on secularism, Jean Bauberot, says the anti-Muslim rhetoric by the right makes the preferred candidate clear — the one on the left.

"In the current atmosphere, Nicolas Sarkozy is doing all he can to alienate the Muslim electorate ...," Bauberot said. "When they (imams) say go out and vote, people think ... you shouldn't vote for Sarkozy."

For the head of the Grand Mosque of Paris, Dalil Boubakeur, such calls to vote are dangerous because they risk dragging a religion into politics, and "I refuse it."
The Paris mosque issued a statement saying it opposed the Lyon call.
"Mobilize, yes, but not in the name of Islam," he said. "In the name of justice, the economy, housing projects, misery, unemployment. But not in the name of Islam."
However, other Paris imams have pressed for Muslims to vote, including Mohamed Saleh Hamza who heads the northern Paris mosque where, until last fall, the faithful spilled into the street to pray because crowds had grown too big to fit inside.

For Le Pen, the street prayers were ammunition for her anti-Islam cause. Sarkozy took up the call and a giant prayer room was opened in a firehouse barracks where thousands now pray. At Friday's prayer service in the new space, there was no mention of the presidential election; the sermon was on the power of love.

Earlier, however, mosque leader Hamza had called for Muslims to go to the polls.
Muslims "have a tendency not to vote. Now, we're telling them that they are full citizens," Hamza said. "They're not organized yet, but that will come."
The calculations of the Mosque of Paris puts the number of Muslim voters at some 10 percent. It's a diverse population, most with family origins in former colonies in North Africa and Saharan Africa, and political opinions are not homogenous.

Experts say that Muslims in poor neighborhoods and Muslim youth tend to vote for the left.
Sarkozy has walked both sides of the line in addressing Muslims. While campaigning, he has spoken out against Muslim prayers in the street, the multiplication of halal butchers and the immigrant flux, in France seen as mainly Muslim. However, he embraced the Muslim population at the start of his term in 2007, appointing two ministers of Muslim North African origin and working for an "Islam of France."

Well before that, he was behind the creation of the French Council of the Muslim Faith, bringing France's diverse Muslim population under the same umbrella group. As interior minister, he was even once a guest speaker at the annual pow-wow of the powerful fundamentalist Union of Islamic Organizations of France, or UOIF — only to be booed for saying headscarves must be removed in identity card photos.

Sarkozy initiated last year's law banning face-covering Islamic veils and is no longer in the good graces of the UOIF. He forbade six guest speakers from abroad from attending this year's gathering on the grounds that they preach a radical brand of Islam.
UOIF leader Ahmed Jaballah called this year for Muslims to vote at the close of the gathering.

The director of the widely respected Bondy Blog, born during the 2005 riots in France's housing projects, says that many Muslims are more French than politicians think, and want respect.

"There is a part of the population that is French first of all, but not recognized as such," said Nordine Nabili. "They try to drag this population into cultural, ethnic or religious issues, but it is all about social suffering, really. There is the will of a whole generation saying, 'I am French. You need to accept me as I am.'"

For Jamel Nouri, leaving Friday prayers at the Paris mosque, "Nicolas Sarkozy fell into the trap of the National Front. He was dragged through the mud."

Sarkozy may get one reprieve, by default, the Paris mosque rector suggests.
"If Muslims were organized, it would be dangerous for Sarkozy," Boubakeur said. But "between the danger and the inconveniences, we keep quiet."
Oleg Cetinic of Associated Press Television News in Paris contributed to this report.




利用假日期間,聽了一場人道援助的演講。講者相當年輕,短短幾年在多個國家從事人道援助,那種歷練在台灣確實不多見。講者很有自信地講述為何台灣社會要關注難民問題。 對於年輕聽眾來說,應該是一場激勵人心的演講。人道援助並不是我的專業,稍微google台灣方面的資料,發現相關中文學術資料並不多。 但只要從事中東研究的人來說,從事人道援助並不是一件容易的事情,背後又有結構性的問題存在,如當地國的政策侷限、援助是否真的為當地人帶來成效,還是適得其反?從事人道援助的NGOs,是否可以真正了解當地國的根本性問題,還是在沒有選擇的情況下,配合援助國的政策,或是順應新自由主義架構下從事「人道援助」,間接成為加害難民的幫凶? 以上屬於實務層面。還有個人層面考量,若真的以人道援助作為終身志業,是否家人或親朋好友願意接受?另外還有更實際的經濟考量,從事人道援助並不會賺大錢,相反的在戰亂或政治不穩定的地區,經常會面臨龐大精神壓力及許多不確定的因素。若上述條件都可以接受,願意清貧過一生,這種從事人道援助者真的相當令人感佩...

麥加年度朝聖 逾150萬人已抵沙國 (又一翻譯錯誤!)

          沙烏地阿拉伯(Saudi Arabia)SPA國營新聞社今天(31日)報導,伊斯蘭教一年一度的麥加(Mecca)朝聖之旅,目前已有150多萬人抵達沙國。麥加朝聖是全球人類最大的集會活動之一,今年的活動將於11月5日達到高峰。   沙國SPA國營新聞社報導:「截至10月29日傍晚為止,來自海外的朝聖者人數已達157萬5千人。」   沙國朝聖部長(Minister of Hajj)艾法爾西(Fuad al-Farsi)說,今年由海外到麥加朝聖的穆斯林人數,可望達到180萬人,加上沙國國內70萬到80萬的朝聖者,今年估計將會有250萬到260萬人參與麥加朝聖活動。   今年的朝聖儀式將由11月4日展開,這一天剛好是穆斯林陰曆的朝聖月(Dhul hijjah,或the month of hajj)。   朝聖儀式將於11月5日達到高峰,到時候所有信徒會聚集在麥加城外的阿拉法特山。 傳說真主阿拉最後一次的傳教地點,就在阿拉法特山。 (傳說 really?)   麥加朝聖是伊斯蘭教的第五信條,也就是每位有能力的穆斯林,此生一定要到麥加朝聖一次。 =================================================== 伊斯蘭沒有什麼傳說,有幾分證據說幾分話。我們穆斯林今世是看不到 真主,不知道怎麼會有那麼離譜的錯誤,難道又是外電寫錯了~


壹、前言 自 1987 年底成立以來,哈馬斯即以「解放巴勒斯坦」為最終目標,但在以色列與西方國家眼中等同於「摧毀以色列」。雖然哈馬斯的解放巴勒斯坦核心思想沒有改變,但曾多次表明願意與以色列達成停火協議,甚至在 2017 年 5 月其發布的政治文件中,明確提到接受國際社會規範的兩國方案 (Two-State Solution) ,即承認與以色列有共存的可能性。 [1] 不過,鑑於哈馬斯不願意捨棄暴力路線,也不斷灌輸巴勒斯坦民眾抵抗以色列,致美國與歐盟至今仍將哈馬斯視為恐怖組織之一員。 今日歐美學者研究哈馬斯的學術文獻汗牛充棟,但對於哈馬斯是否為恐怖組織一事卻無法達成共識。認定哈馬斯是恐怖組織的學者指出,哈馬斯從 1987 年成立以來,從未停止對以色列的攻擊。特別是在 2006 年之前,哈馬斯在加薩、西岸、東耶路撒冷及以色列境內,發動多次自殺炸彈行動,造成上百名以色列軍警人員及平民的死亡。哈馬斯在 2007 年佔據加薩之後,雖然停止自殺炸彈行動,但卻改採投擲飛彈策略,造成以色列社會的集體恐慌。 但也有不少學者跳脫恐怖主義的角度,透過實際案例展示哈馬斯並非是一個單純的暴力組織。例如哈馬斯願意傾聽巴勒斯坦民意趨向,當巴勒斯坦民眾受到以色列壓迫時,哈馬斯順意民意向以色列發動攻勢;當多數巴勒斯坦民眾期待和平時,哈馬斯便會暫緩攻擊以色列,轉為投入巴勒斯坦之政治與社會服務。 本文主要在探討分析上述兩派學者的觀點,並提出一研究途徑,盼能有助於各界對哈馬斯暴力觀的全面理解。