
目前顯示的是 11月, 2011的文章

支持民主者必須歡迎政治伊斯蘭的興起(Those who support democracy must welcome the rise of political Islam,Guardian)

說明:政治伊斯蘭新詮釋! Those who support democracy must welcome the rise of political Islam From Tunisia to Egypt, Islamists are gaining the popular vote. Far from threatening stability, this makes it a real possibility. Wadah Khanfar guardian.co.uk ,  Sunday 27 November 2011 19.30 GMT Article history Ennahda , the Islamic party in Tunisia, won 41% of the seats of the Tunisian constitutional assembly last month, causing consternation in the west. But Ennahda will not be an exception on the Arab scene. Last Friday the Islamic Justice and Development Party took the biggest share of the vote in Morocco and will lead the new coalition government for the first time in history . And tomorrow  Egypt's elections  begin, with the Muslim Brotherhood predicted to become the largest party . There may be more to come. Should free and fair elections be held in Yemen, once the regime of  Ali Abdullah Saleh  falls, the Yemeni Congregation for Reform, also Islamic, will wi...


今天上課的主題是跨國恐怖主義(Transnational Terrorism),授課者為 Prof. Jonathan Githens-Mazer 。課後goolge他的資訊,發現他與Maajid Nawaz有ㄧ場「有趣」的辯論。 Maajid Nawaz過去是英國一個伊斯蘭激進團體的領袖,後來脫離該團體,提倡成立全球性草根性社團,抵抗激進主義的蔓延。相關論述可以參閱Nawaz在Ted Talks的演說:  A global culture to fight extremism 。 在英國新聞頻道 The Sky News ,Prof Jonathan指責Nawaz為了自身組織的利益,為了拿英國政府的補助,對付其他英國穆斯林團體,並表示Nawaz的論述僅是個人經驗,缺乏科學實證基礎。Nawaz則反說那些英國穆斯林團體與蓋達(Al-Qadea)組織有聯繫關係。 這有趣地方在於,非穆斯林學者反而幫穆斯林說話。Prof Jonathan今天在課堂表示,他認為應該要與所謂「恐怖份子」對話,瞭解他們的理念與想法,而非僅是孤立在研究室中,設想如何剿滅「恐怖份子」。有關Prof Jonathan的理念可見 European Muslim Research Centre 。

演講:Peacebuilding: the Israeli-Palestinian Peace Process in Light of the Palestine Papers(29th Nov, 2011)

By Emile Badarin At the next meeting of the Palestine Studies Group, guest speaker Emile Badarin questions the dominant liberal-realist discourse used to describe the Israeli-Palestinian Peace Process. Through an analysis of the Palestine Papers, he argues that it is time to deconstruct a dominant narrative that is contingent upon concepts such as two states, democratisation, security and the market, instead seeking out other alternatives such as the discourse of reconciliation, tolerance and a rethinking of identities. Through this argument, he proposes that it is time to listen to the silenced discourse as much as we listen to the spoken.

演講:Palestinian Refugee Entitlement and the Passage of Time (7 Dec 2011)

Lecture by Prof. Michael Dumper "Refugee Entitlement and the Passage of Time: Waldron’s Supersession Thesis and the Palestinian Case Sixty Years On"  In this presentation Prof. Michael Dumper will explore the argument that refugee rights fade over time and discuss the extent to which it applies to the Palestinian case. With nearly 5 million Palestinian refugees, there are few topics more crucial to Palestinians and a Middle East Peace Process than the topic of the rights and reparations of these refugees.  Dumper教授根據紐約大學法律系Jeremy Waldron教授的文章,解釋隨時間的消逝,巴勒斯坦人民逐漸對難民地位問題不再熱衷。不過Dumper針對該篇文章提出反駁意見,並不認為難民問題已經淡化。

台灣宏觀電視─「TAIWAN OUTLOOK」林長寬 Studies of the Middle East and Islam



先聲明以下不是學術性質文章,僅是筆者過去的觀察與 閱 讀相關文獻所得的心得。 如何理解當代伊斯蘭運動?該透過何種途徑理解當代伊斯蘭運動發展?過去西方學界、政界與媒體將伊斯蘭運動冠上許多名稱或定義,如早期的「伊斯蘭基本教義運動」到現在常用的「政治伊斯蘭」 (Political Islam) 或伊斯蘭主義( Islamism )為分析工具,描述伊斯蘭團體在國際或當地的政治活動與訴求。伊斯蘭運動被描述成單一、僵化的形象,相信我們常在新聞中看到,伊斯蘭組織聲稱以聖戰建立跨國性伊斯蘭國度,以伊斯蘭法治國,回歸七世紀伊斯蘭早期的傳統。 西方關注伊斯蘭運動發展主要來自幾件重要事件,如 1979 年伊朗革命與 2001 年後的國際恐怖組織活動。另外每當中東國家發生自殺炸彈或是恐怖攻擊時,這些穆斯林武裝組織常成為鎂光燈的焦點。因此,並不會感到意外,每當讀者 閱 讀相關新聞時,容易將伊斯蘭團體簡化為單一、僵化或不理性的組織。 事實上,當代伊斯蘭運動相當多元,上述的特定組織僅暫伊斯蘭運動的 ㄧ 小部份。大部份伊斯蘭團體並不倡導暴力或是發動「聖戰」攻擊西方利益,抑是聲稱建立「伊斯蘭國度」,執行不寬容異己的「伊斯蘭法」。

政治伊斯蘭必須處理利益衝突(Political Islam will have to deal with clashing interests by Tariq Ramadan)

說明:Ramadan教授提到中東地區民主化,伊斯蘭在政治層面依然是很重要的因素。 Religion remains an unavoidable reference for the Arabs and as such will be critical in building the future           By Tariq Ramadan, Special to Gulf News ·        Published: 00:00 November 1, 2011 Over the last few weeks the new Libyan leader, Mustafa Abdul Jalil , chairman of the National Transitional Council (NTC), has been repeating, "Sharia will be the main reference and will be implemented in Libya." Several of his references to Islamic legislation came in the presence of western politicians and intellectuals like the pro-Israel French self-styled philosopher Bernard Henri Levy, who, surprisingly, did not react with any shock whatsoever. Surprising indeed! It was as if Abdul Jalil was determined to show that the ‘Libyan revolutionaries' were truly independent and not supported or protected by France, the US, or the West.

拉馬丹談到政治伊斯蘭(Tariq Ramadan Speaks at CAP on Political Islam, Middle East Uprisings

今年4月牛津大學Ramadan教授在美國華盛頓的一場座談會,談到政治伊斯蘭與阿拉伯之春的關係。他認為阿拉伯之春除了以政治角度來看,經濟環境是一個重要考量,如埃及的貧窮問題,麵包價格飆漲,受於經濟壓力,導致革命活動爆發。 Ramadan不認為穆斯林兄弟會與其他伊斯蘭團體在人民革命中扮演領導角色或是幕後操縱者。人民運動訴求很簡單,僅反對獨裁統治,未將反美或反以色列納為主軸。不過阿拉伯之春尚未在阿拉伯國家帶來真正民主化,Ramadan擔憂的一點是埃及軍方的態度。 談到政治伊斯蘭發展,Ramadan持樂觀看法,認為伊斯蘭論述已經在轉變,對於伊斯蘭法如何應用於政治層面已有不同詮釋與辯論。他談到一個觀念,那就是世俗化(Secular)對於穆斯林的意義。世俗化簡單來說是政教分離,但與西方國家不同的是,阿拉伯獨裁者控制宗教,迫害人民,所以伊斯蘭團體對世俗化持負面看法。然而基本原則或是共同價值如民主、法治、人權、公義與權力分配,從Islamist觀點來說,並不違背伊斯蘭原則。 以下片長一個多小時,若時間有限可以看前面20分鐘Ramadan教授的演講。

公民伊斯蘭主義:兄弟會與復興黨(Civic Islamism: The Brotherhood and Ennahdha) by Larbi Sadiki

說明:西方學者常將伊斯蘭運動作為後冷戰的主要威脅,深怕伊斯蘭團體掌權,變成像伊朗「神權」式的政權,威脅世界秩序。事實上,伊斯蘭團體已經不斷進化,黎巴嫩真主黨、巴勒斯坦哈馬斯、埃及穆斯林兄弟會與突尼西亞的復興黨等都展現其彈性策略,接納西方議會民主式制度。Exeter政治系老師Sadiki在半島電台撰文,對伊斯蘭運動持正面態度,分析突尼西亞復興黨與埃及兄弟會的選舉策略與其轉變。 A new political trend of Islamism has taken hold since the Arab Spring - one that is inclusive and moderate. Larbi Sadiki  Last Modified:  15 Nov 2011 08:06 Tunisia's Ennahdha party won the October 23 election [EPA] Its rank and file are disciplined, highly committed and extremely participatory.  The Arab Spring has catapulted Islamists onto centre-stage - in Egypt, Libya and Tunisia. Sooner or later, Syria will follow. This dynamic is not going to go away.  It is therefore apposite to know how the Arab Spring has, if at all, transformed Islamism and how, in turn, Islamism is transforming the Arab Spring.

演講The contested Jewish Identity (14 November 2008)

說明:這是我2008年在台大聽的演講,很巧三年後的同一天,Galloway在Exeter大學講授性質類似的主題。下面是我當時的文字摘要。 ===================================================== 昨天到台大聽一位猶太裔的美國學者 Marc H. Ellis 的演講,其中所著書籍 “Israel and Palestine: Out of the Ashe”   在台灣翻譯為「一個猶太人的反省」。過去在撰寫論文時,曾引用該作者的論述。這本書不同於一般猶太人的傳統觀點,反而抗議現今以色列政府對待巴勒斯坦人民不正義的現象。

演講George Galloway, 'Britain and Palestine' (14th November 2011)

Galloway是英國前國會議員,長期關注以巴衝突。這場演講Galloway一開始談到,他個人討厭帝國(Empire),帝國主義帶來罪惡,如 1917年的「貝爾福宣言」(The Balfour Declaration)決定未來巴勒斯坦人的悲劇。他與之前我聽的演講者 Gilad Atzmon 持同樣的觀點,那就是世俗的猶太復國者(Zionists) 將巴勒斯坦人從地圖上抹去。Galloway補充說明大部份猶太復國者不是猶太人,而是來自美國的基督教基本教義派者支持以色列,藉由經典合理化佔據巴勒斯坦。 Galloway 不愧是政治人物,演講易喚起聽眾共鳴。當他 提到2008年底加薩危機,埃及總統穆巴拉克(Mubarak)封鎖埃及與加薩的唯一通道,給與以色列機會轟炸加薩走廊那一段,頓時我非常痛恨 穆巴拉克的行為。穆斯林兄弟有難,不給與救濟反而火上加油。 不過Galloway提到埃及人民事實上很愛巴勒斯坦,情感上支持巴勒斯坦。最後Galloway表示以色列時間已用盡,時間是站在巴勒斯坦人這邊。 我想Galloway與之前Atzmon的演說,在台灣應該難以聽到,且台灣政治學者或政治人物不太可能有相關的言論,因為這些言論會損害美台友好關係。若是有台灣學者有相關的表示,說不定被標籤為反閃族主義者。 (圖中為演講者Galloway,右為引言人 Professor Ian Netton )

伊斯蘭與自由的公民權 (轉載香港伊斯蘭之光)

《世界宗教研究》2010年第5期   作者: 歐東明 胡雨 伊斯蘭與自由的公民權                ——試析塔里格·拉瑪丹的西方穆斯林觀 作為一位歐洲伊斯蘭公共知識份子,塔里格·拉瑪丹認為,從伊斯蘭原則本身出發,就可獲得西方穆斯林與西方社會相融合的基礎和動力。西方穆斯林首先應恪守不可改變的伊斯蘭基本原則,保持其宗教認同;但與此同時,他們卻可以轉變那些與當代世界嚴重脫節的文化觀念和習俗,摒棄伊斯蘭與西方水火不容的成見,走向與西方社會的深度融合。為此,拉瑪丹進一步提出了實現融合的具體路徑,這就是改革伊斯蘭教育、加強文明對話和重建公民倫理。伊斯蘭認同與國家認同可以同時並存,伊斯蘭與西方現代性亦能達成重疊共識與和解共生,而這將為全人類的共同發展作出重要的貢獻。

學習伊斯蘭 (Studying Islam by Tariq Ramadan)

Tuesday 8 January 2008 To challenge the simplistic notion that  Islam  is still in its medieval period, we must engage it academically for its own sake - not simply out of self-interest Interest in  Islamic  studies has expanded in recent years, but not always for the best of reasons. In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, the powers of the day needed to understand the religious motivations of their colonized subjects. The rule, for decades, was the self-interested study of  Islam ; objective academic discipline was the exception. How much further have we come today?

拉瑪丹的新書:《大改革》(Radical Reform) (轉載香港伊斯蘭之光)

來源:  www.islamonline.net     作者: 伊光編譯 時間:2009年5月11日 15:44 [編譯者按語﹕本文作者達麗雅‧優素夫最早畢業於開羅大學英文文學比較學專業﹐後來又獲得新聞學外交事務研究生學位。  她現在擔任《伊斯蘭在線》歐洲穆斯林社會經濟版編輯。 本文中的小標題編號是譯者增加的。] 歐洲當代著名伊斯蘭學者塔里格‧拉瑪丹教授最近出版了一部新書《大改革》(Radical Reform)。  根據書訊介紹﹐這是他在「伊斯蘭科學」﹑「現代思想」和「穆斯林多數和少數人口的社會」中闖蕩二十年﹐通過讀書﹑寫作﹑觀察和總結經驗﹐寫成的一部書。

《洛杉磯時報》採訪伊斯蘭學者拉瑪丹 (香港伊斯蘭之光)

來源:  www.latimes.com     作者: 伊光編譯 時間:2009年10月15日 17:01 塔里格‧拉瑪丹教授是出現在西方社會的世界伊斯蘭運動奇人。  他曾被西方看作是一顆耀眼的明星﹐對他有很高的期待 ---- 改造伊斯蘭。   他受到西方抬舉﹐被列當代世界最有影響的一百名學者之一﹐英國《泰晤士報》形容他是「二十一世紀最偉大的(伊斯蘭)改良家」﹐西方學者稱他是伊斯蘭「溫和派思想家」﹐也有歐洲大報以「伊斯蘭的馬丁‧路德」對他美譽。


Exeter大學有許多中東與伊斯蘭專題演講,透過這些演講,可以瞭解現在歐洲關注什麼議題。若時間允許,會整理演說的摘要與心得。 p.s 這邊指「歐洲」而非「英國」,是因為非英國籍的研究人員比例不少。以我所就讀的IAIS為例,印象中非英國籍的老師比英國籍還多。(雖然沒有正式的統計)。目前遇到來自法國、丹麥、以色列、義大利等國家的老師。

演講 The State of Research on Palestine (10th November, 2011)

During this seminar, Dr. Ilan Pappe will map out what research is currently being conducted on Palestine. The talk and subsequent discussion session will be particularly useful for junior researchers already engaged in research on Palestine at the PhD level, new academics and Master's students considering applying for PhD programs in this topic area. The topic of Palestine is loosely represented by an array of scholars working largely independent of one other across the world. This talk will help weave together for the audience an understanding of what is already being done and where deficits currently exist in the research being done on Palestine. Dr. Ilan Pappe is a Professor of History, the Director of the European Centre for Palestine Studies and a Co-Director for the Exeter Centre for Ethno-Political Studies at the University of Exeter. He is one of Israel's "New Historians" who, since the release of pertinent British and Israeli government documents in t...

演講 Gilad Atzmon; The Wandering Who and Where? (8th November, 2011)

Gilad Atzmon discusses his new book on Jewish identity politics and its significance to the Palestine-Israel conflict. "A transformative story told with unflinching integrity that all (especially Jews) who care about real peace, as well as their own identity, should not only read, but reflect upon and discuss widely." Professor Richard Falk “Gilad Atzmon decided to open Pandora’s Box, and ignite a debate that has been frustratingly dormant for too long. His experiences are most authentic, views are hard-hitting, and, at times, provocative. It must be read and discussed.” Ramzy Baroud, Palestine Chronicle

演講The Crisis in Syria and the Kurds (1st November 2011)

The Crisis in Syria and the Kurds The evolution of Kurdish society in Syria within the context of the present "Arab awakening" Professor Jordi Tejel,  Department of International History, The Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva The Kurds in Syria during the crisis: influences from Turkey Robert Lowe, Middle East Centre, LSE The strategies of the Kurdish parties towards the Syrian opposition and the régime Dr. Harriet Allsopp     Tuesday 1 st  November 2011, 5.15pm Newman C, Peter Chalk Building

麥加年度朝聖 逾150萬人已抵沙國 (又一翻譯錯誤!)

          沙烏地阿拉伯(Saudi Arabia)SPA國營新聞社今天(31日)報導,伊斯蘭教一年一度的麥加(Mecca)朝聖之旅,目前已有150多萬人抵達沙國。麥加朝聖是全球人類最大的集會活動之一,今年的活動將於11月5日達到高峰。   沙國SPA國營新聞社報導:「截至10月29日傍晚為止,來自海外的朝聖者人數已達157萬5千人。」   沙國朝聖部長(Minister of Hajj)艾法爾西(Fuad al-Farsi)說,今年由海外到麥加朝聖的穆斯林人數,可望達到180萬人,加上沙國國內70萬到80萬的朝聖者,今年估計將會有250萬到260萬人參與麥加朝聖活動。   今年的朝聖儀式將由11月4日展開,這一天剛好是穆斯林陰曆的朝聖月(Dhul hijjah,或the month of hajj)。   朝聖儀式將於11月5日達到高峰,到時候所有信徒會聚集在麥加城外的阿拉法特山。 傳說真主阿拉最後一次的傳教地點,就在阿拉法特山。 (傳說 really?)   麥加朝聖是伊斯蘭教的第五信條,也就是每位有能力的穆斯林,此生一定要到麥加朝聖一次。 =================================================== 伊斯蘭沒有什麼傳說,有幾分證據說幾分話。我們穆斯林今世是看不到 真主,不知道怎麼會有那麼離譜的錯誤,難道又是外電寫錯了~