
支持民主者必須歡迎政治伊斯蘭的興起(Those who support democracy must welcome the rise of political Islam,Guardian)

Those who support democracy must welcome the rise of political Islam
From Tunisia to Egypt, Islamists are gaining the popular vote. Far from threatening stability, this makes it a real possibility.

Ennahda, the Islamic party in Tunisia, won 41% of the seats of the Tunisian constitutional assembly last month, causing consternation in the west. But Ennahda will not be an exception on the Arab scene. Last Friday the Islamic Justice and Development Party took the biggest share of the vote in Morocco and will lead the new coalition government for the first time in history. And tomorrow Egypt's elections begin, with the Muslim Brotherhood predicted to become the largest party. There may be more to come. Should free and fair elections be held in Yemen, once the regime of Ali Abdullah Saleh falls, the Yemeni Congregation for Reform, also Islamic, will win by a significant majority. This pattern will repeat itself whenever the democratic process takes its course.

In the west, this phenomenon has led to a debate about the "problem" of the rise of political Islam. In the Arab world, too, there has been mounting tension between Islamists and secularists, who feel anxious about Islamic groups. Many voices warn that the Arab spring will lead to an Islamic winter, and that the Islamists, though claiming to support democracy, will soon turn against it. In the west, stereotypical images that took root in the aftermath of 9/11 have come to the fore again. In the Arab world, a secular anti-democracy camp has emerged in both Tunisia and Egypt whose pretext for opposing democratisation is that the Islamists are likely to be the victors.

But the uproar that has accompanied the Islamists' gains is unhelpful; a calm and well-informed debate about the rise of political Islam is long overdue.

First, we must define our terms. "Islamist" is used in the Muslim world to describe Muslims who participate in the public sphere, using Islam as a basis. It is understood that this participation is not at odds with democracy. In the west, however, the term routinely describes those who use violence as a means and an end – thus Jihadist Salafism, exemplified by al-Qaida, is called "Islamist" in the west, despite the fact that it rejects democratic political participation (Ayman al-Zawahiri, the leader of al-Qaida, criticised Hamas when it decided to take part in the elections for the Palestinian legislative council, and has repeatedly criticised the Muslim Brotherhood for opposing the use of violence).
This disconnect in the understanding of the term in the west and in the Muslim world was often exploited by despotic Arab regimes to suppress Islamic movements with democratic political programmes. It is time we were clear.

Reform-based Islamic movements, such as the Muslim Brotherhood, work within the political process. They learned a bitter lesson from their armed conflict in Syria against the regime of Hafez al-Assad in 1982, which cost the lives of more than 20,000 people and led to the incarceration or banishment of many thousands more. The Syrian experience convinced mainstream Islamic movements to avoid armed struggle and to observe "strategic patience" instead.

Second, we must understand the history of the region. In western discourse Islamists are seen as newcomers to politics, gullible zealots who are motivated by a radical ideology and lack experience. In fact, they have played a major role in the Arab political scene since the 1920s. Islamic movements have often been in opposition, but since the 1940s they have participated in parliamentary elections, entered alliances with secular, nationalist and socialist groups, and participated in several governments – in Sudan, Jordan, Yemen and Algeria. They have also forged alliances with non-Islamic regimes, like the Nimeiri regime in Sudan in 1977.

A number of other events have had an impact on the collective Muslim mind, and have led to the maturation of political Islam: the much-debated Islamic Revolution in Iran in 1979; the military coup in Sudan in 1989; the success of the Algerian Islamic Salvation Front in the 1991 elections and the army's subsequent denial of its right to govern; the conquest of much of Afghan territory by the Taliban in 1996 leading to the establishment of its Islamic emirate; and the success in 2006 of Hamas in the Palestinian Legislative Council elections. The Hamas win was not recognised, nor was the national unity government formed. Instead, a siege was imposed on Gaza to suffocate the movement.

Perhaps one of the most influential experiences has been that of the Justice and Development Party (AKP) in Turkey, which won the elections in 2002. It has been a source of inspiration for many Islamic movements. Although the AKP does not describe itself as Islamic, its 10 years of political experience have led to a model that many Islamists regard as successful. The model has three important characteristics: a general Islamic frame of reference; a multi-party democracy; and significant economic growth.

These varied political experiences have had a profound impact on political Islam's flexibility and capacity for political action, and on its philosophy, too.

However, political Islam has also faced enormous pressures from dictatorial Arab regimes, pressures that became more intense after 9/11. Islamic institutions were suppressed. Islamic activists were imprisoned, tortured and killed. Such experiences gave rise to a profound bitterness. Given the history, it is only natural that we should hear overzealous slogans or intolerant threats from some activists. Some of those now at the forefront of election campaigns were only recently released from prison. It would not be fair to expect them to use the voice of professional diplomats.

Despite this, the Islamic political discourse has generally been balanced. The Tunisian Islamic movement has set a good example. Although Ennahda suffered under Ben Ali's regime, its leaders developed a tolerant discourse and managed to open up to moderate secular and leftist political groups. The movement's leaders have reassured Tunisian citizens that it will not interfere in their personal lives and that it will respect their right to choose. The movement also presented a progressive model of women's participation, with 42 female Ennahda members in the constitutional assembly.

The Islamic movement's approach to the west has also been balanced, despite the fact that western countries supported despotic Arab regimes. Islamists know the importance of international communication in an economically and politically interconnected world.

Now there is a unique opportunity for the west: to demonstrate that it will no longer support despotic regimes by supporting instead the democratic process in the Arab world, by refusing to intervene in favour of one party against another and by accepting the results of the democratic process, even when it is not the result they would have chosen. Democracy is the only option for bringing stability, security and tolerance to the region, and it is the dearest thing to the hearts of Arabs, who will not forgive any attempts to derail it.

The region has suffered a lot as a result of attempts to exclude Islamists and deny them a role in the public sphere. Undoubtedly, Islamists' participation in governance will give rise to a number of challenges, both within the Islamic ranks and with regard to relations with other local and international forces. Islamists should be careful not to fall into the trap of feeling overconfident: they must accommodate other trends, even if it means making painful concessions. Our societies need political consensus, and the participation of all political groups, regardless of their electoral weight. It is this interplay between Islamists and others that will both guarantee the maturation of the Arab democratic transition and lead to an Arab political consensus and stability that has been missing for decades.



麥加年度朝聖 逾150萬人已抵沙國 (又一翻譯錯誤!)

          沙烏地阿拉伯(Saudi Arabia)SPA國營新聞社今天(31日)報導,伊斯蘭教一年一度的麥加(Mecca)朝聖之旅,目前已有150多萬人抵達沙國。麥加朝聖是全球人類最大的集會活動之一,今年的活動將於11月5日達到高峰。   沙國SPA國營新聞社報導:「截至10月29日傍晚為止,來自海外的朝聖者人數已達157萬5千人。」   沙國朝聖部長(Minister of Hajj)艾法爾西(Fuad al-Farsi)說,今年由海外到麥加朝聖的穆斯林人數,可望達到180萬人,加上沙國國內70萬到80萬的朝聖者,今年估計將會有250萬到260萬人參與麥加朝聖活動。   今年的朝聖儀式將由11月4日展開,這一天剛好是穆斯林陰曆的朝聖月(Dhul hijjah,或the month of hajj)。   朝聖儀式將於11月5日達到高峰,到時候所有信徒會聚集在麥加城外的阿拉法特山。 傳說真主阿拉最後一次的傳教地點,就在阿拉法特山。 (傳說 really?)   麥加朝聖是伊斯蘭教的第五信條,也就是每位有能力的穆斯林,此生一定要到麥加朝聖一次。 =================================================== 伊斯蘭沒有什麼傳說,有幾分證據說幾分話。我們穆斯林今世是看不到 真主,不知道怎麼會有那麼離譜的錯誤,難道又是外電寫錯了~


利用假日期間,聽了一場人道援助的演講。講者相當年輕,短短幾年在多個國家從事人道援助,那種歷練在台灣確實不多見。講者很有自信地講述為何台灣社會要關注難民問題。 對於年輕聽眾來說,應該是一場激勵人心的演講。人道援助並不是我的專業,稍微google台灣方面的資料,發現相關中文學術資料並不多。 但只要從事中東研究的人來說,從事人道援助並不是一件容易的事情,背後又有結構性的問題存在,如當地國的政策侷限、援助是否真的為當地人帶來成效,還是適得其反?從事人道援助的NGOs,是否可以真正了解當地國的根本性問題,還是在沒有選擇的情況下,配合援助國的政策,或是順應新自由主義架構下從事「人道援助」,間接成為加害難民的幫凶? 以上屬於實務層面。還有個人層面考量,若真的以人道援助作為終身志業,是否家人或親朋好友願意接受?另外還有更實際的經濟考量,從事人道援助並不會賺大錢,相反的在戰亂或政治不穩定的地區,經常會面臨龐大精神壓力及許多不確定的因素。若上述條件都可以接受,願意清貧過一生,這種從事人道援助者真的相當令人感佩...

埃及議會選舉顯露國家未來走向 (新華網) 附筆者對Salafi補充

2012年01月21日 23:22:27 來源:  新華網 新華網開羅1月21日電(記者 李來房 田棟棟 陳聰) 埃及 人民議會(議會下院)選舉結果21日揭曉。穆斯林兄弟會(簡稱穆兄會)的自由與正義黨獨佔鰲頭,贏得佔總席位的近一半,成為下院第一大黨。 薩拉菲派政黨光明黨 成為此次議會選舉中的第二大黨。 觀察家認為,隨著新的政治勢力登場,埃及內政外交很有可能出現相應的變化。   新政治勢力上臺 此次人民議會選舉總體得到主要政黨和民眾以及國際社會普遍認可。前執政黨民族民主黨因腐敗等問題喪失民心後,人們通過投票箱把機會給予了穆兄會等伊斯蘭力量。 1928年成立的穆兄會,自1954年起處于非法狀態。穆巴拉克政權2011年2月倒臺後,其活動公開化,並獲批組建了自由與正義黨。經過80多年的經營,穆兄會在全國城鄉遍布網絡,通過建學校和搞慈善等活動獲得大量社會支持,因此穆兄會的自由與正義黨此次贏得議會最多席位在預料之中。 同自由與正義黨相比,另一個伊斯蘭政黨光明黨是一匹不折不扣的“黑馬”。分析人士指出,光明黨成為議會第二大黨的主要原因是:在埃及這樣一個文盲率高、貧困人口比例大的國家,選民易受宗教情感影響。光明黨所屬的薩拉菲派利用宗教場所進行宣傳,在低收入階層和邊緣化群體中獲得了很多支持者。 老牌政黨華夫脫黨和新成立的“革命繼續聯盟”等在選舉中得票不多,原因在于觀念陳舊、缺乏經驗和競選策略不當等。    國家體制可能變化 伊斯蘭政黨掌控議會,埃及未來的走向引人關注。新議會首要任務是選出100人組成的制憲委員會起草新憲法,國家性質、總統權力和軍隊預算等內容將是新憲法的關注焦點。 對于國家性質,穆兄會極力展示溫和形象,稱埃及將是世俗國家,非宗教專制或軍人政治。而光明黨則主張循序漸進地全面推行伊斯蘭教法,但不會強制,也不會效倣伊朗或沙特,而是採取不同的、現代伊斯蘭國家模式。 對于總統權力,自由與正義黨和光明黨均主張削弱。穆兄會認為介于總統制和議會制之間的模式最適合于當前過渡階段,並最終實行議會制。開羅美國大學政治係教授巴克爾認為,未來埃及總統將不再有絕對權力,總統和議會之間會相互制衡,以防獨裁。 而關于軍方預算,穆兄會總導師巴迪亞表示,軍方預算必須置于議會監督之下,軍隊移交權力後議會將對其掌權期間發生的流血衝突問責。伊斯蘭政黨的上臺,