演講:Palestinian Refugee Entitlement and the Passage of Time (7 Dec 2011)

"Refugee Entitlement and the Passage of Time: Waldron’s Supersession
Thesis and the Palestinian Case Sixty Years On" 

In this presentation Prof. Michael Dumper will explore the argument that refugee rights fade over time and discuss the extent to which it applies to the Palestinian case. With nearly 5 million Palestinian refugees, there are few topics more crucial to Palestinians and a Middle East Peace Process than the topic of the rights and reparations of these refugees. 

Dumper教授根據紐約大學法律系Jeremy Waldron教授的文章,解釋隨時間的消逝,巴勒斯坦人民逐漸對難民地位問題不再熱衷。不過Dumper針對該篇文章提出反駁意見,並不認為難民問題已經淡化。



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