說明:在阿拉伯之春後,政治伊斯蘭論述已經轉變,Ramdan認為有三項因素必須知道,才有助於瞭解當今中東複雜情勢。1.伊斯蘭政黨未來要採用何種經濟模式與統治方式?2.他們對以色列的態度為何?3.如何處理什葉與遜尼間的糾紛? How are we to understand the situation in the Middle East ? Things are moving so quickly and in so many different, if not contradictory, directions. The reality has always been complex, but interpreting it has become more and more difficult. The actors involved, the challenges and the interests in conflict are so numerous that one wonders that the result of the popular movements in the region and the political changes currently underway is impossible to foresee. On the one hand, intrinsic domestic dynamics have created a new balance of power, which is having a powerful impact on Egypt, Libya, Yemen and Syria, but also on Tunisia and Morocco. On the other hand foreign countries, such as the United States, Israel, the European countries, China, Russia and even Turkey and Qatar are involved in various ways and in different capacities, either attempting to fur...